2024-25 SEASON

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Ensembles and Programming

Master Singers - (MS)

Consisting of singers ranging in age from 11-18 (typically grades 6-12), the Master Singers is a choral ensemble led by our artistic director. The goal of the ensemble is to build upon the musicianship of our singers, whether having participated in our Young Musicians Program or not. This is accomplished through weekly rehearsals in which students learn a wide range of choral music in preparation for performances in addition to the inclusion of our Music Mastery Program outlined below.

The Master Singers are committed to learning diverse choral repertoire that ranges from historical to contemporary, and represents a variety of cultures from across the globe. The ensemble performs in two concerts annually in addition to several run-out events, such as our past performances with the Long Beach Chorale, the Camerata Singers of Long Beach, the Long Beach Symphony, Jelly of the Month Club, and more!

Chamber Singers - (CS)

Chamber Singers is a small ensemble of 10-12 singers, chosen through audition from the Master Singers. The approach to repertoire is similar to Master Singers, with focus on music that is more challenging and varied repertoire. Chamber Singers rehearse for 45-60 minutes after the end of Master Singers, from 5:30 to 6:15 or 6:30, depending on the amount and difficulty of the repertoire, and usually sings 2-3 pieces in each LBYC concert.

Young Musicians Program - (YMP)

The Young Musicians Program is intended for children the age of 11 or below (typically grades 2-5), and serves two functions. Using a variety of instruments and instruction, we will instill a lifelong appreciation of music. We will also train them to be able to perform the more difficult repertoire used by the main ensemble. By the time they graduate, students will be able to:

  • Keep a consistent beat on a small handful of instruments.

  • Recognize and identify several different genres of music.

  • Understand solfege and the basics of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).

  • Read and write musical notation.

  • Perform a handful of pieces by working in a group.

LBYC Ensemble Grade and Age Policies

Students are assigned to the requisite ensembles based on both age and grade level. In the case of exemplary musicianship, exceptions may be made, but these are the general guidelines:

  • For those entering the YMP, they must at least be in second grade, or turn 7 years old prior to August 1st of the current enrollment season, whichever criteria is met first.

  • For those entering Master Singers, they must at least be in 6th grade, or turn 11 years old prior to December 1st of the current enrollment season, whichever criteria is met first.

  • For those exiting Master Singers, they may continue to participate in the ensemble until they graduate 12th grade or if they will turn 19 during the current season, whichever criteria is met first.


STEP ONE: Register

  • Complete the online application for the 2024-25 season.

STEP TWO: Pay or Apply for Scholarship Assistance (see below)

  • Pay the registration fee online or by check made out to:

    • Long Beach Youth Chorus

    • Deliver/mail the check to:

      • LBYC, 2902 Petaluma Ave., Long Beach CA 90815. 

Tuition payment options


  • If you are seeking financial assistance through a scholarship, complete the registration form, and then email Stan DeWitt ( to receive more information.

PASO UNO: Regístrese

  • Regístrese por 2024-25 en línea haciendo.

Tuition payment options

PASO DOS: Pague o regístrese para ayuda financiera

  • Pague la tarifa de inscripción en línea aquí, o con un cheque a nombre de:

    • Long Beach Youth Chorus

    • Entregue / envíe el cheque a:

      • LBYC, 2902 Petaluma Ave., Long Beach CA 90815.


  • Si necesita ayuda financiera, todavía llene los formularios de registro, y contáctenos Stan DeWitt ( para los siguientes pasos